Saturday, January 06, 2007

first day of my life

So I've been tagged by VYC. ARGH... So I'm supposed to write five things that most people wouldn't know about me. According to VYC it's supposed to "weird" stuff so... I'll have to think of some stuff.

1. I easily, very easily, become addicted to simple video games: Tetris, Spider Solitaire, and Free Cell (the current fixation). Seriously. I've had my laptop for five months and I've played 2377 games (1420 won, 957 lost). I am so concerned about my record that I wouldn't let anyone else play on my laptop, including my very lovely girlfriend who accepts this but doesn't understand it. My longest winning streak is 18 games.

2. There are two foods that I don't like. I hate them so much that if someone was to pressure me about them I would consider this a dealbreaker. Mayo and Relish. These are the two foods I cannot stand at all. I also don't like chocolate bars but I'll eat almost anything else.

3. My first kiss was at a Bryan Adams concert. Now, I may have already told the internet world this truth, but I can't be sure. It was awkward and I wasn't sure it actually happened until I confirmed it with the girl, who later (like years later) realized she was, in fact, gay.

4. I have the absolute worst memory. I can't remember anything practical for any meaningful amount of time. I lose things all the time - example, I've lost my student card, something that doesn't seem important but will cost me 25 dollars if I can't find it. This is how I live. I do, however, remember completely useless things like random pop culture references.

5. I may possibly have the most illegible writing of anyone I know. Seriously, it's very difficult to read. Even I have trouble reading if I was in a rush. I wrote my girlfriend a letter once and she laughed because it was exactly like that Billy Bragg song... well, she didn't say that but I was thinking of it when she told me that she couldn't read it. Hopefully she doesn't cut her hair 'cause, if I follow the narrative of the song, I've got to stop loving her which would be a shame.

I'm tagging Mac & UFC. UFC is giving me the evil eye has I write this sentence. It's her fault.


kmac said...

Does my geek rant count?

Stephanie Campisi said...
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Stephanie Campisi said...

It's with great relish that I eat mayo. :D